. -- are around the world remember in the shooting of john lefnon. deep differences opinion are rising on how countries in europe should work themselves out of the sovereign debt crisis. the president of the group strongly criticized germany for rejecting his proposal of bonds as a way of helping weaker countries raise money. he said that german government thinking was simplistic. berlin accused him of unsettling the market. >> the president has accused berlin of rejecting his proposal for stuing it. he said that bonds would provide cheaper debt for countries with tight budget deficits. the german chancellor would like eu leaders to abandon the idea as they draw up a permit rescue them -- drop a permit rescue mechanism for the euro. >> we are working in a targeted a manner towards that which awaits us next friday. my calm demeanor is my contribution to the process. >> fort angela merkel, the remarks by the euros on president art not helpful. this would keep groups from fixing their economies. -- for angela merkel, the remarks are not helpful. >> we a