kennan: an american life" is the name of the book that john lewis gaddis was talking about a little bit you saw his presentation. if not very quickly, john lewis gaddis, what were george f. kennan's official titles? >> guest: his titles were chiefly not very impressive. considering his reputation. ambassador to the soviet union, ambassador to yugoslavia, chairman of the first policy in the state department and never secretary of state, never a political figure of any conflict. his role is in the role of ideas. the idea of containment as a way of avoiding the extremes of war or peace after world war ii. the critique of american foreign policy particularly of nuclear weapons during that period. the great historieshat he wrote in the last half of his life. titles were not very important. i asked george once what title would you like to be remembered by and he said teacher. that sounds good to me. >> host: is years of activity? >> guest: astonishing because he would be 101 and active right up to the end. >> host: u.s. government -- >> guest: much briefer and not that brief. he was an office