the second is john lexi who is the distinguished visiting scholar -- john lipsky. he is at johns hopkins university and recently left the imf as the acting managing director. if you have any questions that you might want to lob in here, you can e-mail them to janhopkins@questiona@ gentlemen? [laughter] >> who is first? >> i am. mr. secretary, thank you very much for being here tonight. one of my favorite tim geithner quotes -" we saved the economy but lost the public doing it."icku i'm wondering whether it's possible to get the public backs. . >> people saw their lives depended by a set of choices mostly they did not make. they saw the world burning around them, a broad run -- the first time in memory that people face a risk of losing their savings or the steps of loss in wealth and employment. then they saw the government forced to act to rescue the people they thought were responsible fairly or unfairly. they were angry, understandably angry and scared and frustrated. i don't think there was any path through this that would have made it easy to do t