it is fabulous to have john lipsky king charles in the motorcade, waving to everyone as he comes into the international monetary fund. he is a director at the mf, but his public service for economics is noted. dr. lipsky, thank you for joining us. you are the only one reading it was actually at plaza accord. we need another plaza accord in that. i don't want to go into a long discussion on this, how do you respond to people that say we need 1982, 19 84, 1985 again? >> people forget the role of the plaza accord. the markets have started taking what was perceived as an overvalued dollar down beginning in february of 1985. the issue with the plaza was, were the central banks going to take the markets lower? in plaza, they decided no, we are happy with it going lower. later, they tried to say that the louvre accord, stop, that's enough. markets paid no attention and carried on. tom: what about the time to sell and all your work, and where we are now? i think about your first speech when you first join the imf, this acc