i am john loomis and i probably reside in cohen's district. although i love in san francisco, i live in park merced. the period i lived in, i spent a lot of time and i understand the problems that this shares. i think that the new plan is a visionary, and i think that this is exciting. here are few things the transpoo improve the quality of life and the environment, leading to zero carbon, with amazing sabin's -- savings in water with additional housing units to guarantee social equity. planning that leads to real neighborhoods, not the misguided landscape of the 1950's. enhancing the existing landscape with the order of magnitude in beauty, this is a design for a humane and socially responsible life, valued in san francisco. this is an important part of the future for others to learn. we can be a leader. this is san francisco and there are those who will not like any change, whatsoever, despite how beneficial it may be. let's do the right thing and not be bullied by the naysayers. let's be a leader in the city as an example. >> thank you very