john m. ash work toward. i directed to the screens on the side. -- john m. ashbrookard. >> a courageous man of principle, and one of the most articulate anticommunist in congress, ashbrook spent his years in washington opposing the expansion of new deal and great society programs. he contributed to the national conservative movement. in 1971, he publicly broke with the nixon administration, criticizing the presentation of liberal policies in the verbal trappings of conservatism. he announced his intention to oppose nixon's renomination in a number of republican primaries. he denounced the nixon administration for squandering an opportunity to build a conservative coalition to govern the country. although nixon went on to win reelection, his conservative challenge paved the way for ronald reagan's challenge to gerald ford in 1976. reagan's successful nomination and election in 1980 was the beneficiary of an new conservative majority that ashbrook helped create. he announced he would seek the republican nomination to oppose the incumbent democratic senator. sadly, whil