it's john malcovich! come on! anyway, we're out oust time. -- we're out of time.on't feel i sold medieval times strongly enough. [laughter] craig: maybe the next time i go, i'll get free made. good night, everybody. good night. [cheers and applause] ah mom, you still clip coupons? well, it all adds up. that's sweet mom. in honor of your thriftiness, i'll serve- [jack's voice] 2 croissant sandwiches for just 3 bucks. made with fresh egg, sausage or our new hickory smoked bacon and melting cheese. your such a good son. i'm so glad you dropped by! i love coming home mom. patty, call the doctor. it's been more than 4 hours... hi jack. budtenders. help >>> you're watching cbs5 eyewitness news. >>> is there a training that the passenger goes through before they actually dispense the marijuana? >> no, there's not. >> this bud's for you helping you with your aches and pains, but do they know what they're doing? tonight the push to set some standards for medical marijuana. >>> straighter hair with toxic chemicals, what inspectors discover at salons that use the popular bra