amount of correction that we're in the process of doing and actually we've been working closely with john malmed and have some new legislation that the board will probably introduce next week to deal with all of these corrections, including that one. at the same time, we thought it an opportunity to offer a premium 3r service, which would mean that customers coming in who had an urgency similar to premium plan review could pay a little more and have the report generated in a shorter period of time. that, of course, is tied to staffing realities that we are still working on. so, this is a work in progress. it won't happen overnight, but that's what this item is about for your discussion today. >> is there a comment? >> obviously the 3r, has been kind of -- maybe this is directed at you [speaker not understood]. so, as far as i understand, you're correcting the language from 100 to 160, correct, that's what this is all about in front of us? >> that's one of the items, yes. that's one part of one of the fee tables in this legislation that is being introduced at the board. >> right. okay. so, and i