of safety issues. >> don parus had held several meetings with john manzoni, the head of refining. in each, he expressed grave concerns about the safety of working at the texas city refinery. >> narrator: parus even went to bp headquarters in london and showed manzoni a powerpoint presentation. in it, a list of dead workers; details on two recent fatal accidents; a tally of more than 20 fatalities in 30 years. >> the basic response don parus got was, "well, that's your job to make sure this stuff doesn't happen." and he was pleading for, "well, let me have the materials to do my job that way." london saw it a different way. and that's part of that culture that bp didn't get. >> we know we have to beat the others to win you over. can we do it? >> you bet your bp we can! >> narrator: 20 years ago, bp was nothing like the powerful multinational corporation it is today. the years of the once great anglo-persian oil company were long past. a revolution in iran had crippled the company. >> among its peers, it was a company to be pitied rather than emulated. it had had to cut its dividends