john marianna who was brief before you actually contacted me over a i don't know when he was negotiating to purchase the property wanting to learn about the prevention resources that were available to him. he's been diligent in following the new requirement of the new legislation having selected a you consultant off the list we provided him and i feel that h s f r could be a model for other properties that exposed the limit. i, you know, hose conducted his own research the california research among other repowders and he's expressed interest in donating a part of the land. with that we strongly support all the applications before you and recommend them to the board going forward >> thank you marry comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. and back to you, commissioners. commissioners. commissioner johnck >> i move approval of all 8. >> they can be called altogether. >> i second that. >> commissioner hyland a comment. >> yeah. before we vote i want to acknowledge supervisor weiner and those presentation districts it's a good day to come before us. >> and the speed at wh