the lone dissenter, john marshall, like ferguson, was in the dark about his ancestors. >> i never knew that i was related to him. >> you don't read about it in elementary school? >> one paragraph in the history book. >> phoebe, how did you find out about this? >> well, i just got a call one day. this gentleman had purchased my great, great grandfather's house on henry clay. and he wanted to restore it. he's saying, you know,ouatat gr house, the judge in sy fe. i did not know that. >> knowing, she says, got her and plessy on a mission tontrodr keith weldon medley, they created the plessy and ferguson foundation. >> we want to tell the truth about history and bring out all the facts that were hidden. >> i think it's our responsibility. that's how we look at it. we want people to understand what legacy is and not to wait until the end of your life to understand legacy, but to understand legacy at an early age. >> do you ever think what if the ruling had been different? >> well, i think america had a chance to mend itse