as john mayjor said said so famously the only people who have never made a mistake are those people who have never made a decision which i call journalists. so you do make mistakes of course, and when you do, you seek to apologize for them and move on. but that's life. >> all right. all right. >> the detail of what you say in paragraphs 51 and following, i'm not going to ask you about. i'm going to ask you about the issue of culture. >> yes. >> particularly your take on what the culture was as between senior members of the metropolitan police service and journalist journalists. >> i have got no direct knowledge of this. and as i said in my hands of my written statement, i have been through all of the records that the home office could find of this period as home secretary, and the issue of media relations, itself, is very rarely mentioned. i mean, my view from being briefly practiced in the bar of the 1970s when the evidence was emerging of endemic corruption of the police service including london and having taken a close interest in the whole issue of police a accountability from the v