about makes me think of a saying of john mader james who is a great with as well as thinker -- john maynard keynes. he says there's a limit to which any society will sacrifice itself for the bondholders. this is a true. that gets to the point john was making, and others, how much sacrifice for the bondholders. if you have built a whole system, however, which for its very functioning depends on ever increasing borrowing from the bondholders, when you run out of other people's money, as i said before, then that system stops. and it would get to whitney is very important point about who is the sheriff. of course, in good times we don't worry about this year. it's only when pushing comes to shove in that we worry about the sheriff and in all these cases this is really a huge issue. i'm going to let you talk in a minute but i wanted to get my third point out, which is in historic american financial crises when the banks would stop payment, as they called in those days, which make you go to the bank but you couldn't draw your gold, something very interesting happened. now we have the greek banks under g