for john mccann to say put the bush guys back in place and have them redo this.invaded iraq, there were no weapons of mass destruction. we opened a pandora's box. people like myself on this station said this could end up being a nightmare, we created sectarian lines and awoke them in a way that they had never been awoke end for many years. this is a dividing line through out the middle east and north africa region. so the bush administration created this drama and the idea that john mccain would say let's go back with the same sorts of intervention that we had before as a way to save this problem, is, is crazy. now we need to find a new equilibrium of parts, power centers, that have felt disenfranchised. maliki has alienated all the sunnis. sunnis need to come back. off awe right. your steve, point was seen as pessimistic. may beef realistic if we are in three pieces. he said today the ethnic sectarians line, he called them three places, which is more ominous. nicholas cristophe, steve clemens, we are out of time. >> coming up. rick perry may have uttered his fir