people, john mccoy's daughter. and when he was in war and he was a warn report, commissioner, john mccoy, his daughter was working with the president of cbs and was given information on the development of what cbs was doing to her father mccloy. and he was interviewed by walter cronkite and it's such and such a web how're that nice people are very protected and the coin comes across clumsily. but he's clearly not answering the questions asked for by asked by concrete which are direct saying wasn't there a conflict of interest? and there was a conflict of interest. 3 of the members of the 7 of his 3 of the 7 members in the commission. john sherman cooper, hale bugs, and most of all richard russell of georgia. we're had problems with the conclusions and we show from declassified files how their testimony, what especially their questions were erased from the final transcript. meaning they do not appear when russell found out about it 2 years later and he was furious. but it was too late. he talked, we have a phone cal