. >> his name was john mcdowell. nd jessyka were good together and sometimes not. >> she would call us like, what, like every other week. "can you come out and get me? me and john had a fight, and i'm not staying out here." so we'd drive out there to missouri valley. and a couple weeks later, they're -- she's back out there again. >> a year in, there was still no wedding. but there was a baby, dominick, dom. >> i just remember, you know, everyone was so excited, wanting to meet him. >> she loved him, and i think it was just an instinct she had to be a mother. she wanted to do the best for him she could, and that drove everything else. >> and then one day -- dom was still quite small -- it all seemed to come apart. >> and they were doing okay. till he left her a voicemail. >> by accident. >> an unintentional voicemail. and the message that was left was, well, bad, very bad. >> talking to friends. he didn't know he left her a voicemail telling her that he -- he slept with another girl. and then that was it. she was done