john mckart you are mcgwire described law as a system of wise restraints that make men free. the restraints preserve liberty. because they are prescribed in advance and they apply to everyone without regard to rank or status. the rule of law is indispensible to a prosperous and thriving society. it allows businesses to enter into contracts. it gives innovators protection for their discoveries. it keeps people safe from dangerous criminals. and it allows us to resolve our differences peacefully through reason and logic. justice anthony kennedy explained it this way. in a rule of law system, when you apply to a government clerk for a permit and you meet the criteria, you're not asking for a favor. you have a right to the permit, and that clerk has an obligation to give it to you. in many countries, that concept of government officials bound by law to serve the people simply does not exist. now, a society can achieve the appearance of the rule of law without accomplishing it in fact. shacks peer's play "henry iv," a prince brags about his connections to the devil. he proudly pro