newspaper and this is from an article about a congressional race featuring the candidate right here, john mckennawith his cousin robert downey jr.. people pay slightly more attention. the ledger isn't the paper. john isn't a candidate, but given the most of the respondents they are not very familiar with the iowa politics and by what journalism they read this sort of thinking it was true. so, mckenna was described as a democrat and was described as a republican, and the difference between the three sectors expressed the misinformation kind of goes against what you wish was true even if it is about a guy that you like or even created a then. next slide, please. so the same article with one small change. the first group, then the article included a piece of information, a false claim and was not corrected. for the second group, the article then put the piece of misinformation with the same false claim that immediately after in the text of the article a correction. the third group read the same article but without the misinformation with a correction. next slide. so come here is the misinformation.