it has to do with john mclaughlin. john was a career cia analyst who rose up to the ranks at langley and became deputy director of central intelligence and then act director 0 central intelligence in the early 2001s, 2000's, and on the interesting things but john which is mention in the book, whenever you went up to his office for meetings, he kept on his desk a little black placard, that read divert to dominant dime. thought that was a funny little saying, a little tongue in cheek because it contrasts so strongly with him, who is a very establishment kind of guy. he wears conservative suits, horn rimmed glasses, suspenders and you think this is the last guy that would want to subvert the dominant paradigm, and why he had this on his desk was he enjoyed playing against type, implying he had this hidden subversive side beneath the establishment veneer. but i think there was actually a serious purpose behind this, too. and that's because paradigms are really serious things. paradigms are the conceptual models we all use t