the sunni fighters and population, that's the next big step that has to take place. >> brown: john mearsheimerat are the chances of doing something like that? how difficult will it be for john kerry when he next returns there? >> well, i think that the local actors, the actors in the middle east that live near i.s.i.s. are the ones that are going to have to beat them back in the end. i believe that wars are won on the ground, and the united states and the europeans are obviously not going to insert ground forces into this conflict. so it's going to be -- it's going to depend heavily on what forces in the region do, and i think, as they feel increasingly threatened by i.s.i.s., they'll work hard to counter i.s.i.s. and, i think, ultimately contain it. whether it can be defeated over the long term remains to be seen. i actually don't think it's that big of a deal because i think i.s.i.s. is overrated as a threat to the united states and i don't think there's a whole heck of a lot the united states can do to fix the problem. i think it largely depends on what the local or regional actors do. >> b