ago before he passed stephen cohen was on this program, it was such a pleasure to have him on john mearsheimer was also on. and he was talking about the possibility of a world war, 3, a new killer conflict, nato against russia. and i kind of pushed back gently against that. when he said, peter, i am very, very serious. we're on that path prescient. at that, do you think one of the things that really bothers me, i mean, i remember the anti war movement in the 1980s. you know, intermediate metals all i'm ever that very well. ok. and it seems to me, look at the rhetoric, the, the very reckless rhetoric that comes out of the political class, particularly in the united states in the u. k. b, they're both the worst, the u. k. is the worst of the worst. actually. they don't seem to, they seem to have forgotten the, the terror that we had in the 1980 of a new killer war. you remember like threads and the day after and all that. i mean we were to verify, they don't seem to care. they seem to be immune to it. i mean, we even have members of congress say everything's all the table every day. you know, i