john meer was getting concerned because the matches they read about yosemite and other similar areas, he was being commercialization that concern him. he was seen a lot of blogging taking place. all of a sudden there it is certainly realized even when you had real federal protectionand come it doesn't get you all of the outlet. so i think that is why when roosevelt verse reach out, he was going to be in europe at the time and actually changed his trip because he had the opportunity was to a chance to address these concerns about what's going on, especially commercial logging in the area. so he saw that coming and he seized the opportunity, changed his trip, didn't go to europe. the camping trip was a very select few. it was for men to teddy roosevelt, john meer and two guide/coax min charlie of my day of my deck and another archie meinert. and so as a result of that, a lot of memories of the trip comes from those two guys who had sort of plot the course. this is backcountry camping and i had to prepare food and all that. these men pay very careful attention and were able to observe th