half years. government lifted a ban earlier this month that was imposed by former president john michael hooley in 2016. under the restrictions opposition lies violently broken out by police and politicians frequently jailed. the next election is set to take place in 2025. the former presidential candidate to do list who says he will be flying back from exile on wednesday. with jeffrey smith is the founding director of van god africa and was closely with members of the towns and in our position. he says that the government, lifting the bond is a step in the right direction. we have information that he has been given assurances by the president herself that his safety and security will, will be paramount upon his return. i think today it was very refreshing to see that the major opposition rally that happened went off about violence, attended by many in the pennsylvania security forces. and instead of rounding up those there and arresting them and putting them in prison on trumped up charges, they actually stood back and allowed to take place. so i think there's certainly room for optimism going