steve bannon spoke with john micklethwait, the bloomberg editor-in-chief, at the bloomberg invest londonorum. >> the timing could not have been worst. it stepped on the kavanaugh first day of the supreme court, the 50 year anniversary of the lowest unemployment in three years. the timing was exquisite from a bad interview, so i'm very suspect of the timing. mark: bannonon -- says that he took her word that she wouldn't leave until 2020. british television has been erring images today of an allegedly saudi assassination atad, assessing movements the consulate in istanbul following the disappearance of a journalist one week ago. turkish officials fear that he was killed, as he wrote critically of the saudi prince. we will take a closer look at this story in just a moment with connecticut senator chris murphy. powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries, i'm are crumpton. this is bloomberg. david? mark. thank you so much, health care promises to factor in large in the upcoming elections. , senatorhris murphy from connecticut. good to have you on. >> thanks for h