. -- this is karen morris forwarding one from john minky and it says feldman will take it to gm and get their approval which will either be a rubber-stamp or one last chance. we all accept that pbgc has the legal authority with respect to its decision making. we also know that he did that in the environment of the pressure of these negotiations and we also understand that we had a number of parties who had positions and roles and proposals as to what pbgc should do or as you're using your language, would or wouldn't do. mr. feldman, we'd like to get a better understanding of that which is why you'd be called before this committee and why sig tarp wants to talk to you and why we were actively involved in the decision making. now i'm going to ask you a very simple question. i'm assuming that with respect to the delphied salary pensions that the proposals that ended up with the pensions being cut did not solely generate -- were not solely generated by pbgc, that in the negotiations with your liaison with the white house and others in treasury outside of the task force, the auto task force