a new government with john mitch kosky has been sworn in his prime minister along with his combination allies. they pledge to continue efforts to take the country into the european union. my opposites got reports, not from the capital of scots. yes. after 2 days discussions, things of parliament, new governmental snort, macedonia was selected, cristilla needs go ski, became your prime minister of this country. it was the 1st time that new prime minister used the new constitutional name as he was supposed impressed by agreement in years. that was the agreement that sold for almost 3 decades loans, named dispute between greece and north, must have donia for the term, macedonia, inclusion of double duty and minority. and the constitution now is a condition for north macedonia to continue east europeans. but that's regarding the issue resolved, area me to go. so he said that he will not support change of the constitution under the will. judy and dictates the most of the elect, the communities to seem the new government or he's close the slice from his political party from or if i'm on i, t