. >> so john muller, after four years of studying journalism with hillsdale, what you hope your students leave with? >> i hope they leave with a major in a different subject. journalism is a minor. we don't think it should be a major. we think students should major in one of the traditional academic disciplines. the best training you can have for being a journalist is not to major in journalists. it's to major in biology or economics or history. let one of those professors feel your fill your head with knowledge that you can bring to work. they leave with that. they leave with the traditional liberal arts education. that's the best thing hillsdale can do for them. it is a minor and we do a few things in the classroom, but you learn journalism by doing journalism. at the center of our program, we have the kansas newspaper, the campus the campus radio station and students actually running these things and learning how to be a print journalist or broadcast journalist doing internships and by the time there for years are over, they are pretty good and they get jobs, if they want them, in the