. >> john nagel is the head master for hammerford school the author of knife fights. >>> up next, northeastern states have some of the toughest gun laws in the country, yet too many firearms end up in the hands of criminals. we will look at how states are trying to shut down the gun-running. pped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america weapons. fueling the iron pipeline on the east coast, bringing guns from southern states that have lax regulations to northern states where laws are tougher. one state central to the iron pipeline in georgia where robert ray has this report. >> good, how are you? >> this is little's bait and tackle shop in the small town of perry, georgia, one of 4,000 licensed gun dealers in the state, clarence little is the owner. the source of the gun that was used to kill a new york city police officer in may. this cctv video caught the guys who robbed the store. >> you never knew who robbed your store? >> they were in hoodies and masks and gloves. >> t