everywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ >>> detective john o'brien and ty labay had a problem.t witness that wouldn't talk. chandrika creech clammed up. but there's more than one way to get a story. they found an associate of creech's, someone that knew chandy and convinced him to wear a wire and meet with her. it worked. >> do you want to know the story? >> yeah. >> reporter: once chandy felt safe, she spilled it. all of it. how she and gavin met in secret at that secluded cul-de-sac. got close in gavin's car. >> all of a sudden the door opens and john just goes like -- and i was like, i pushed myself out this way, got out the driver's side. >> reporter: creech burst in like a machine said chandy, started slugging, wouldn't quit. >> i was like, stop it, you're going to kill him. i was like screaming my head off. he comes out of the car and he goes, you're next and then i drove off. >> reporter: she was terrified, he said, afraid he'd kill her, too, or tell the cops she set the whole thing up. so, did she? again and again the detectives listened to the under cover tape. >> i be