. >>> plus straight off opening night, john o'hurley joins us in the musical "chicago" at the national theater near the district. his favorite part of the show he'll tell us. >>> i'm tom kierein on the stock market team 4 weather deck. a beautiful skies calm wind. just the calm befored cold. >>> breaking news. just minutes ago, announced tonight's powerpaul lottery jackpot is worth $500 million. yep. $500 million, up from where it was not too long ago a few hours ago at $485 million. talking with people about what they would do with that money. >> reporter: if you choose the cash payment, you're going to get a lump sum of more than $327 million. what would you do with all that money? we've been asking folks that very question. >> i have my family. i have friends. and -- i help the sick and give to charity. >> reporter: you wouldn't blow it on yourself? >> well i'm going it have a good time too. >> the first thing, i would put a lot of it away for my kids in some kind of trust. something like that. put a little way for my wife and i. probably go on vacation. brand new, probably a brand