is moving on the equity metrics and plan that this board had requested in 2016, under supervisor john ovolo as we move forward with a set aside for rec and parks, ensurinsuring that we adequateld our parks and open space that we're also ensuring that we have an ecwitdy lens on how we do that because we know that certain neighborhoods have less parks, fewer parks, but much more public safety issues which inhibit our residents' ability to enjoy their recreational spaces. and thank you again to parks alliance and rec and park has done a tremendous job in developing private/public partnerships to improve our parks and we could not do it without the organizations that help us to raise money and help us to convene our neighborhoods which is also important as well. i know that this is going to be a continuing interest to this committee but at this time i'm going to entertain a motion to file the item, but i'm sure that we will have other hearings with rec and park and i do just as a plug for my own just look forward to hyde turk mini park moving forward because this is a playground that i have bee