just as justice john paul stevens did for president gerald ord who appointed him. david souter, y, who george.w. bush put on. that was the way. a president of one party could end up with an appointee who did not adopt all his ideology or policies. now, you really don't have hat. brian: these are the ages of all the justices. there are nine of them. justice ginsburg, 86. justice brier, 80. justice roberts, 64. justice sotomayor, 64. clarence thomas, 70. elena kagan 58. mr. gorsuch its 51. brett kavanaugh is 54. joan: you got them exactly right. brian: what does that say? joan:it says the younger ones are the conservatives the two in their 80's are the liberals. depending on what happens to any of these 9 and president trump gets another appointee, the court could move further to the right. so much hangs on who is going to be -- so much hangs on for the nation and for the supreme court of will becomes president in 2020 because of these ages. brian: how many years have you covered the court? joan: full-time, since 1989. when i started at the washington post as a supreme court reporter it was 199