as john paul jones said years ago, and it still applies, men mean more than guns and the rating of a above all, we have to be judicious with the resources that congress provide us. as we look ahead to the current budget plan, about half a trillion dollars over 10 years, it is a huge challenge. there are risks. in my view, it sequestration will cause irreversible damage. it will follow the military and we will be out of manpower, both military and civilian. going in and summarily reducing procurement accounts here and there will upset quite a bit of our industrial base, which in my view if we get into sort -- into sequestration, might be on recoverable. today, we have six shipyards going to fight in 2013. if we go beyond the end -- and a member of the 19th, manpower, we are fine through november 18, but we would need additional funds through continuing resolution language if need be because our manpower starts ramping up at that point. we would need assistance regarding manpower and a continuing resolution. as we start the second quarter, we would be compelled to do what we have done