listen in these cries the navy today is a far cry from the wooden hulls of the days of john paul jones. the navy's air service has ever a leader in the science of aviation. it was our navy that taught the the terrific possibilities of dive bombing. or flying schools are turning out thousands of trained pilots, many of whom from the broad decks of our aircraft carriers have already written their names on the pages of history and fame counting death to our enemies, the pacific of africa and elsewhere. in the submarine service, to brave officers and courageous men are accomplishing wonders in this. the most nerve wracking confining of all services. it men of steel before they never know when the hatches closed whether they will ever see daylight again. every hand is against them, even friendly hands, until their identity is certain. into the cold depths of the sea, cramped amid a maze of machinery, the men of the submarine service carry death for the enemy at their fingertips, but they themselves face constant disaster. even in times of peace. danger lurks in every dive of submarine. the