starting from my left, john payton, a longtime litigator in the civil rights field and now director and counsel of the naacp legal defense fund. there is nobody who knows more about civil-rights and the consequences of the supreme court's civil-rights decisions than he does. next, we have ronald cass, former dean of a law school, former member of the administrative conference of united states and many other public bodies. that is his expertise. congressman jerrold nadler, who i have known for many years, a democrat from the upper west side of manhattan. he is chair of the constitution subcommittee of the house judiciary committee and a very active player in constitutional issues. to my right, judge clemon, now retired chief judge of the u.s. district court of the northern district of alabama. he is now practicing law in birmingham. john hiatt -- jonathan hiatt is the executive director of the afl-cio, so there is nobody who is more aware of labor law issues. the supreme court has had quite a lot to say, for better or worse, about the state of labor laws in the united states. pamela karl