john pender grast worked on president clinton's white house and runs a group called the enough project that exposes war crimes. what keeps this war going. >> it is good, old-fashioned greed. kings have been doing it for version and todays version of armed groups, rebel and militia groups, government army are all fronts for mafia organizations basically that extract these minerals and profit from the their smuggling and export back to the united states and to europe for our jewelry, our cell phones and our laptops. >> mafia organizations, what do you mean by that? >> they don't have an ideology. they are not trying to build a government institution. they are rebels aren't fighting for a particular cause. they are extracting these minerals like gold, tsunsten. >> it spikes and comes in phases and it is localized. >> one recent spike centered on a village called congabyata. we went there and find many lash charade advilage and burned 70 homes. why attack the civilian population? >> it is an effective strath strategy. it scares the people and terrorizes them in to compliance. >> it is chao