was also permission list and the same sort of players involved including the cypherpunks and john perry barlow so tim berners lee created the world wide web h.t.t.p. and that was a protocol he invented which went on top of t.c.p. ip which was the internet at that time you needed command lines to access the internet and in fact i think somebody like richard stallman still accesses the internet using the old system of of just command lines so nobody needed permission you just developed and one of the things that happened in the early internet days was in one thousand nine hundred six there was a telecommunications act which was announced which started you know the u.s. government started to interfere in how the internet developed. what happened to the internet and then i heard in one nine hundred ninety five at an internet conference of the scene of the internet it was kind of like the greatest thing says. upping acid you yourself was a lyricist for the grateful dead and there was this big love in in the mid ninety's that the internet was going to bring back freedom but now everything's encrypte