the john pettibone school in new milford, connecticut, as side note, the john pettibone school will close down in 2014 due to low and falling. but that overpopulation an idea is is running rampant. pessimism about the future is increasing. that's in just eight years. massive increase. so ezra klein, the new york times, has a good explanation of it. he says at fear that our planet's on is really just a cover story for. guilt. especially in the in the rich world. i go a step i think the climate guilt that he's talking about is really a totem for a deeper guilt for a deeper sadness. again the earth can't handle it. miles, eris says she means the earth can't handle us. the earth can't handle humans. it's a deeply sad idea and civilizational sadness, i believe, is causing the baby bust. i met a woman named amanda. she was on my trivia team one night and she when i said i have six kids, she says, oh, that sounds. and so i asked her if she had a good job. she was married, said she doesn't want to have kids. and as we were going eventually, i asked her her opinion of the human race and she said i