there is a little passage, a small passage in my book, but there is a good book now written by john pierre about terrorists. so people are writing and doing things. how do we urge terrorism? certainly not in the way it has been approached after 9/11 by president bush. heeding the afghans, tallow bands was not the result. make it a war in iraq was a bad mistake. but there should be ways. there should be intelligent ways of thinking, where it is terrorism stemmed from? but under circumstances where terrorists get hold of the minds of people, circumstances should be hopefully changed. so there is another big challenge. but i have no way of dirt. [laughter] >> already. i think we should turn over to questions from the audience at this point and then i do know, would you like to ask one question only do that before we think of questions or are you ready to invite questions from the audience? >> no, we should try. >> a few more questions in reserve. a lot of people here i think what questions to ask. so please. can we do have microphones so that you can be recorded. if you could please speak int