. >> let's go to john psaropoulos for the latest developments in athens. it's strange that mps can be arrested. what happened to parliamentary privilege, john? >> there is parliamentary immunity, but it can be lifted by a vote of the body poll tick. it has been lifted and there has been precedence. there has been cases where mps asked for immunity, asylum, so charges could be cleared and rumours against them. in this case there'll be no hindrance to the police and the prosecutorial authorities to proceed with the charges because of the seriousness of them. they are criminal charges, and we don't yet know the full charge sheet. we know only that the main charge concerns participation in a criminal organization. the fact that the police force used its counterterrorism unit to investigate and prosecute the cases shows the seriousness with which the police are dealing with them. at the same time we don't yet know the full constitutional, if you will, implications of mps arrested while they are in office. from what we have heard from the constitutional lawyers i