but just to reiterate what john rahaim said, you know, we're really striving to maximize the value capture in this area, so just to give a sense of how we often do this for area plans, we calculate what all of the needs are, what the public benefits are, and then we cal clalt how much we believe benefit can bear, and how much value we're creating through the upzoning, and we're trying to capture a certain amount. so in this case we're trying to capture between 50 and 75% of the value that's being created by the central soma upzoning. so that's what these numbers are showing in kind of the pass tepass -- pastel. the pink is the more marginal, 75 to 100% body capture, and then the green is showing the prototypes that are no longer feasible after we apply the exactions. so the first line that i want to point out in green, this is referring to kind of the level that we had set back in 2015. this was when we believed that the adoption of the central soma plan was imminent, and so the 2015 development assumptions were still more or less valid, at that point. the next line shows in yellow what ha