. >> john robert smith is a former mayor of meridian, miss smirks he's now chairman of transport for america, non-profit groups advocating for better transportation. and john, if you forking with us, sir, and i want to ask you first about the criticism that we just heard from grover norquist in the story and it's not universal that the trust fund, a should be funded and b, the taxes on gas should be increased to fund it. and what's your response to that? >> that's a very shortsighted response and a lack of vision in an integrative transportation system for this country. the trust fund funds not only bridges and cities, but transit and do we all want to live in towns? bus systems, do we want to live in a city that we have no public transit to get us to jobs? i don't think that's the answer. if you defund transit, you're pushing more people onto the highways and roads. it would be a disservice to stop funding the transit, which hens to support our people as they move across the transportation infrastructure. >> as i mentioned there, we increased the gas tax until 1993. what is the logic