chief justice john robertt .. who typically votes conservatively the ssing ote in the deeision... while opponents vow to fight on... the president praised &pthe court's action. obama says: "... whatever the poliiics, today's deccsion was a victory for people all over this country, whose lives will be more seccre because of this law and the supreme court's decision to uphhld it.. it."romney saas: "this is a time of choice for thee american people. our mission is clear: if we want to get rid of obamacarr, ww're going obama. my mission is to makee sure we do exactly thht." thaa." also in the ruling... many on the court found problems with the expansion of medicaid in the law. butta maaority of justices said it was constitutional as long the pederal governmenttdidn't withholl funding to states in the extension. 3 as for the breakdown on votes ...chief justiceejohn roberts... was the ssing vote ... he also rote the majority opinion.the four judges considered liberal voted to uphold the law.they are sonia sotomayoo...stephen breyer... in dissenn weee..