the focus on new york city, you know, that john rocker like focus on new york city as somehow the places poisoning the rest of the country. the right wing identity of it is still with us, and it's been with us from the origin and playing out right now, too. >> it's also true that i've been thinking about this a lot. one of the things we learned here, as we have gotten the reporting about the response from the white house was, there was this move to shut down travel from china. and if you look at the record of the president talking about it, well, problem solved. if all you have is a wall, everything looks like an invasion. we shut down china. this is a chinese thing. we don't have them coming from china anymore. by the way, that was not true. there was tons of travel coming in from china. but that itself gave this false sense of security precisely because he and the people around him are so devoted to thinking of the world in those terms. >> yeah, and it's deeply dangerous. it's deeply, deeply dangerous. as we started this conversation, obviously a disproportionate number of african-ame