james weldon and john roseman johnson immortalized this struggle in a very special song that has come lyrics speak to folks of all different countries -- cultures and backgrounds, much like the words of our national anthem, "the star-spangled banner." the composer, conductor, visionary of music education, and sponsor of the national award-winning young people's court, but one the highest honor for youth programs -- that won the highest honor for youth programs and were presented the award at the white house and also a genius recipient sapient -- here to conduct the national black anthem, lift every voice and sing." [applause] ♪ >> ♪ lift every voice and sing till earth and heaven ring ring with the harmonies of liberty let our rejoicing rise high as the listening skies let it resound loud as the rolling sea sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us facing the rising sun of our new day begun let us march on let us march on , till victory is won ♪ ♪ god of our weary years god of our silent tears thou who h