that day when john salvi went into the two clinics in brookline and opened fire and shot all the people, there were antiabortion protesters right outside the clinic when he did it. as he did it. at the brookline planned parenthood where he killed a 25-year-old receptionist that day, protesters outside the clinic, one of their regular tactics was filming people, filming everybody as they arrived to work at the clinic. filming people as they arrived to volunteer. filming people who were working as escorts for patients coming into the clinic. they filmed the patients, themselves, including taking great pains to be seen videotaping their license plates. trying to be very intimidating and very scary to people so they wouldn't go into that clinic. but that day when john salvi got into that clinic and shot it up and killed the receptionist and wounded other people, as they brought the bodies of the wounded and the killed out of that clinic that day, the antiabortion protesters in the parking lot, they kept filming. they filmed that, too. there have been these politically motivated assassinatio