orbital put them in touch with john schuster and his team.y rolled up their sheaves, and they -- sleeves, and they found a way to provide a $215 million long-term loan to avante. today 300 americans have jobs building that satellite, and orbital is on schedule to launch that satellite in july from french guyana, and avante has plans for more satellites, hopefully now from america. in fact, we're joined by dave thompson who's the ceo, and he's going to be on the next panel talking about competitiveness. additionally, the company's ceo, garrett pierce, serves on our advisory committee, and they can tell you about the difference we made. now, what happened here is pretty simple. two companies competing, the french company got financing from its export credit agency, and ex-im bank leveled the playing field. orbital and astreum then went head to head on cost, on value, on schedule, on quality and reliability. and in the end, orbital won. the workers at orbital won. and america won because this single deal continues to spur growth in the satellite