john seda, artist and founder of, is here this morning. good morning to you, and clearly this is a huge problem. so are artists behind the scenes maybe saying that they're feeling ripped off because of this problem? - yes they are. yes, they do feel that way. their intellectual property is being used without their permission. but there was also a time where people felt that this was the way, like the new generation of musicians coming up believe that this is the way, because nobody taught them any differently. - realistically, is there a way to fix the problem? - yes there is, because most of the websites out there today are not fan-based. the only site that is fan-based is youtube, or vimeo, right? but the cool thing that youtube came up with is that they developed a watermark system, so that when people upload their music to sell, and anybody used their music, let's say without their permission or the artist uploading their music video, they get paid 60% more in the united states and 40% more in europe than they would normally get going