a lot of us are familiar with the civil war general john sedgwick that was trying to upgrade some of his younger soldiers there for dodging bullets. and his comments, i'm told among his last words were, they couldn't hit an elephant from this distance. he was killed about a second later. it's always astonish to go me that we kind of cavalierly suggest that don't need a redundancy against the most dangerous weapons that mankind has ever devised. i don't think one has to be a missile defense nor a nuclear expert to suggest that a nuclear warhead going off in your backyard is a fairly negative development. and it's always astonishing to me when we have this debate that our system is the only tested system that we have that defends this homeland against intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear war heads, the most dangerous weapons, again, in the history of mankind. mr. chairman, it wasn't mr. turner who suggested that the president had a secret deal with russia. it was the president who suggested that on nationwide tv to what he thought was a dead microphone. >> would the gentlem