we are here with john sherer, publisher at basic books. what does a publisher do? >> the publisher is a title i have. i ron the imprint of basic books suite of editorial, marketing, publicity, design and i end up making the final decisions on things. i say a lot of yes or no all day long. >> what do you say yes or no to? >> weather we acquire a book, how much we pay for it, how much resource we put into promoting it, the final call on which jacket, a lot of i like this jacket over that one, with the price will be, how many we should print. a bunch of small decisions adds up to big decisions but a bunch of small ones along the way. >> how long have you been in books and where did you come from before basic? did you always want to be a publisher? >> i serendipitously from the book business. i ran a bookstore in washington for ten years and finally decided i enjoyed the book business so much wanted to do something other than retail. publishing was the obvious choice. you're going to beat me here, i think this might be almost 20 years of bookexpo, aba's as the use to b